This building is called Design Fiesta,sort of an art gallery for budding artists wannabes who cannot afford to hang their canvases in the pretentious hallways of prestigious art galleries. Mostly art students I would think. But it is really a place where creativie flows freely, as can be witnessed from the facade of the building.
There are numerous rooms in the building, not spacious by any standards, which anyone can presumably rent for a number of days, and just put up whatever they wish to showcase to people. As we walked around, people were still hammering, gluing, painting, and whatever, busy putting up their displays with the kind of meticulousness and attention to detail that only artists have. Some are eating their packed lunches, friends and relatives come visiting and to lend their support, enthusiastic artists wander around hoping to get a stroke of inspiration. All in all a very friendly and conducive environemtn to get the creative juices flowing, something which will not happen in our sunny little island.
There was this group of talented and friendly young manga artists (oh did I mention they were cute as well) who were deeply apologetic that they were still working on their displays. However, they were happy that we showed interest in what they have to offer and allowed us to take a look at whatever was ready. I was captivated by this particular picture.
I thought the use of colours was striking and the expression on the girl's face was deeply enchanting.
Some other random pictures of this fascinating little alcove:
All in all a great way to spend a lovely afternoon, especially when you have to seek respite from the mind-boggling and overwhelming fashion apparels that are pouring out of all these shops in Harajuku. Another memorable moment!
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