Friday, January 05, 2007


The new term is kind of...uneventful.......for me. So far. Haha. Since JC1 tutorials only start in Week 3 I don't have that much on my hands at the moment. Although on the first day of school I did receive numerous SMS from my students who are now in JC2. They all read something like this:

MR CHUA! How come I'm not with my class for GP! I very sad leh, nobody to talk to! Can change class or not?

Well, I guess S23 is especially affected since they are split under 6 different GP tutors (although I can safely say that they are in good hands. They should be glad that they are not under some people, and of course I'm not going to mention names here!) Anyway I hope that my three classes can adapt quickly to the new environment and start striving towards their A levels. And I DO miss you guys. =(

Speaking of which, I have FINALLY finished my blog entry about S23, having procrastinated for some time. those interested do check out that earlier entry... hee

Just came back from orientation finale. It was deafening, having to hear them cheer and shout in an enclosed space such as the CC. Sob sob I do miss the days when I was a student, where I can shout and jump and act crazy without having to worry about restrictions and social etiquette and sense of propriety. I think it is rather sad that as we grow older we become more conscious of how others perceive us and we find it harder and harder to act the way we want to.

Saw some familiar faces in the J1 batch, from MSCO of course. Liankai, Tong neng, etc and a few more who I don't really know that well. I wonder if I'll teach any of them...=p

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