Thursday, September 13, 2012

Halong Bay

Waiting for my night train to Sapa ... making use of the opportunity to write this entry.

Halong Bay was gorgeous. Despite my initial trepidation with signing up with a tour group, the group was actually pretty fun. There are a couple from Sydney, another couple from France, two Spanish friends travelling together, a group of 8 Irish students, and then (the only representatives from Asia) - a Taiwanese lady and me. There were two Japanese ladies on the bus journey to Halong with us, but they were on a day trip and joined a different group once we reached Halong City - much to my disappointment!

The Irish were rather boisterous and rude (but then it is probably because they are young college students rather than because they are Irish =p), but everyone else was great company. Of course everyone was sharing about their experiences in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, exchanging travel tips and recommending must-try-food. As usual, the Europeans couldn't understand why the Taiwanese lady or me are only travelling for 10 days and 7 days respectively ("So where are you going other than Vietnam? ... No? ... Flying back? ... Erm...I see...) while they are spending 2 - 4 weeks in the region.

Since touring Halong Bay largely involves sitting on the ship and getting various rocks pointed out to you, there was a lot of chatting involved. Just lying on the deck or on a reclining chair, enjoying the sun, the wind, the stars and the gorgeous view. It complete redefines what lepak means. Oh did some kayaking around the bay too (Canoeing  courses in Maris Stella prove to be so useful 17 years later). That and with all the trekking around the hills in the days to come means one thing - I exercise the most when I am backpacking in  another country lol.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Deafening car horns

I am no longer a teacher.

And I am in Hanoi right now. I am hungry and haven't eaten my dinner. But I feel obliged to type this post to fulfill my promise, even if it is to a monkey who will embrace his primitive roots in the jungles of Brunei soon.

My smartphone is too smart - keeps assuming I understand Vietnamese just because I am in Vietnam. The interface of my blog is all in Vietnamese now which does not help.

Well now that i am no longer a teacher and can actually talk about things outside of school - hopefully i will be able to revive this blog successfully. Hopefully this Hanoi trip can be a good start!