06S18! As you can see, they are decimated to a mere 9 people. Haha. Actually there were only 11 to begin with because I share this class with Karen. Too bad Janice and Rayson weren't there(in fact Rayson put on a disappearing act after promos and I have not seen him since then. Gosh I pity those who are in his PW group. * tsk tsk * )
What struck me about this class is how diffident and quiescent they are (or at least pretend to be), until I took the whole of S18 one fine day when Karen was on MC. While the other half of the class is definitely more voluble (think MICHAEL), imagine my horror when even Lauren was chit chatting with the girl beside her. LAUREN! I don't even remember her talking to anyone beside her during GP classes. =p
They're a lovable bunch, always quietly submitting to my tyranny (which is not what I can say about my other two classes...haha) and they don't yield under pressure. This class is also very unfortunate, their GP classes timing is always such that I don't get to do the same things I did with the other classes, and they always complain about that. =p I didn't even get a chance to bid farewell to them properly, since I stopped seeing S18 before all the other classes. Shucks!
* under construction *
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