Monday, October 09, 2006

End-of-marking entry

Hee hee gland, of course I don't have an end-of-promos entry. To me it's only over when I've finished all my marking..which is NOW. =) So here's my end-of-marking entry.

I can't believe I have finished marking 120 essays. While it doesn't sound like much, it's actually a mammoth mind-boggling and debilitating(My dear J1s: hopefully by now you know what this word means) task. Wading through a quagmire of illegible, incoherent, poorly-organised and indistinguishable scripts unscathed takes mental acuity of the highest degree, and obviously I'm not there yet. The only good thing that comes out of this is that my list of "Ridiculous and ludicrous things that students write in their essays" has effectively doubled in length, which never fails to be an amusing topic when old friends catch up. In fact, it's only because I am a teacher of such high moral integrity that I am able to restrain myself from duplicating these hilarious essays on my blog. Interested parties can seek me out personally and enquire, but if you are a student then you need not apply. =)

People who have me on their msn lists know that I am cursed with a sporadic internet connection that only works intermittently. The situation seems to have worsened recently, nowadays it seems like I can only get connected for 5 minues, which is not good when I'm playing Guild Wars. Enough is enough and finally I lodged a formal complaint with singnet. Hopefully they'll be able to fix it soon and I can play my online games without getting frequently interrupted.

Some of my students seem to be in a state of trauma because some teachers brazenly returned them their less-than-satisfactory promo scripts, and devastated them in one fell swoop. Sigh, well at least it cushions them for the impact of seeing their GP scripts. Going to get back my class's scripts very very soon, and it's just as apprehensive for us teachers as well. How will they fare?

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