Monday, September 18, 2006

HA-LOW? May-be....

A02 had a fine time laughing at how I said HA-LOW. Well, it's not the first time, I think some of my students in GMSS made a similar remark as well, just that I never took notice. I still don't really get it...what's so funny? * scratches head * It was just an exaggerated way of saying it to catch someone's attention...........

Qiuxuan had, of course, remarked about how I pronounce "maybe". Again I can't remember what was the problem, something to do with pitch intonation...that I had a peculiar way of changing the tone halfway or something like that.

And I notice how I always fumble on the word "society", especially with S18. And since we are looking at social issues for these two terms, I had to struggle on more than one occasion to enunciate all these sibilants and fricatives. Another terrible word is "statistics". Of course it is no problem when you pronounce it on your own, but when you are teaching and talking fast(as I tend to) my tongue just somehow does not move as fast as I would like it to..... Well, speaking in front of people is just not that easy =p

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