Monday, November 14, 2005

I am a Monica

Nope that's not my new English name, neither am I coming out of the closet (like someone I know who is) . It's just that recently I've realized that I have more "Monica(as in the obsessive compulsive characre that Courteney Cox plays in FRIENDS) " in me than I would have liked to admit.... This came as a surprise for me because I have always thought that I am a laid-back person!

The first sign of my compulsive-obsessive nature was my meticulous attention to the Japanese public transport system. I'm going on a self-planned trip to Japan in December 2005 and as part of the planning I have looked up the train/subway/bus timetables, working out the routes, where to change bus/trains, comparing the various different discount passes available, etc. I guess I went a little overboard, and I blame the over-informative websites of Japanese public transport system. I mean..the timings they give are precise up to the minute, and they include photographs of how EACH and EVERY bus stop and its surroundings look like. Even some obscure cable car service on Hakone has its own webpage with detailed timings of its operating hours! I wouldn't be exaggerating if I say that I can plan, for example, to take the 0736 bus from Kyoto Station and change to the 0748 bus at Sanjusangendo Mae bus stop etc etc.

Then, at Settler's Cafe(see previous entry), I realized that like Monica I have an obsession for boardgames rules as well. (Monica was upset at her friends not playing Pictionary according to the rules that she threw a dish at them). While my classmates seem to be fine just trying out the games with an incomplete knowledge of the rules, I find that hard to accept. haha, I mean that's the point of a game right, you want to know how the rules work, so that you can make your decisions knowing how your decisions will affect the outcome of the game. That is the reason why I always purchase original games software as well, because I need the manual so that I can know inside out the full mechanics of the game!

Having said that, I hasten to add that I am not as domineering as Monica and I do not impose myself on others. (at least that's what i think haha) Well I've always thought myself to be more of a Phoebe(almost everyone wants to be a Phoebe) or even Chandler but suddenly I am identifying myself more with Monica. haha I'm in self-reflective mood nowadays...thanks to NIE placing so much importance on self-reflections!!!

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