Monday, November 07, 2005


Okay if you don't understand what the title means....that means you probably don't play computer games, or at least not the strategy genre. THey are acronyms for Age of Empires 3 and Civilisation 4.....two games which I expect I shall be losing sleep over for the whole of my NOvember and December holidays.....

Thanks to Javen who told me that Civ 4 will be out I hit the stores after my maths class ...but sadly I was too early and they say the shipment will only arrive in the late afternoon, so I bought AOE3 instead. Hmm I already spent countless sleepless nights on AOE2 and CIV3 ..I think it will happen again. At least I am thankful it is not the exam period...when I was an undergraduate in NUS I remember the good games are always released during exam period..not that it stopped me from spending more than appriopriate amount of time on the games... =p

Anyway, was walking towards Shaw House when there is this little boy (looks like he is 10 or 11) busking at the underpass. He was playing a violin and he was so terrific....almost every passer-by stopped to listen. He was playing from a collection of Vivaldi, and unlike the numerous child prodigies that abound in Singapore, he is actually very musical and not purely technical in his playing. His violin case was full of $5 and $2 notes, I estimated at least $50 inside, not including the coins. Among all the buskers that haunt the underpasses of Orchard Road I think he was the first one that I voluntarily gave money to. I mean..he was better than the violin soloist in a concert I recently watched...and the soloist was from SSO some more * tsk tsk *

THe funny(or disgusting) thing is, there was this old lady who was wearing a gaudy dress (by dress I mean a rainbow-coloured piece of cloth which she wraps around her body) . She stood beside the boy and was listening intently with her eyes closed. Then suddenly her eyes opened and she said, "I don't like this song. Play me another one." The young boy seemed quite embarrassed and he played a different number in an attempt to appease this old lady who does not cover up enough of her body. Apparently she was not satisfied even after the boy changed what he was playing for 4 - 5 times, after which she dumped a 20 cent coin unceremoniously into his violin case and walked off, pulling up her dress in the process as it was dangerously close to falling off her body entirely. THe little boy's face was scarlet...sigh...

I then had a Grilled Chicken Foldover for lunch, in the way that it was meant to be. THanks to Calbin who did not show me the proper way to eat the chicken foldover, the last time I tried it the contents of the foldover was dropping all over the table. But I shall not be angry with him because he has enough on his mind already....including pacifying 2 angry girls, worrying about old uncles gawking at him in bedok swimming pool and browsing through photos of well-endowed male models scantily clad in skimpy bikini trunks. He assures us he is not homophobic ...hmm well maybe not the phobic part......

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