Friday, October 28, 2005

My wonderful NIE class! erm...not yet

Well, I was all excited and came online to write about my wonderful classmates in NIE armed with several pictures, but I had trouble posting the pictures on blogspot. And a blog entry without pictures certainly do no justice to the 13 pretty girls who are in my EL class, so I've decided to........whine and bitch about today's module registration.

Horror of all horrors, the registration exercise is "first-come-first served", gosh, are we primitive cavemen here? The last time I did first-come first-serve module registration was like when I was a freshman in NUS back in 2000. It's the lousiest system one can imagine, short of having to wrestle and fight your classmates physically to get the modules you want. Coming to NIE is really like a trip back in time.

To make matters worse, the registration was held at 9am, which is like in the middle of our lesson. So how, those who have lessons(i.e. ME) are just going to lose out in the registration simply because we had to attend lessons instead of registering for our modules? Surprisingly I got into the system without any difficulty and even got the module I wanted on the first try. Being the skeptical man that I am I was immediately suspicious at the ease which I got the module.

True enough, the system had crashed and our registrations were not registered(sic). They had to find another day for us to register, but it will still be first-come first-serve. GOsh, won't the same thing just happen again? Surely they know that such a thing is going to happen and could have taken preventive measures? The PGDE cohort is not even that big...maybe 1000 people? I have new found respect for NUS.

Grrr..enough of the griping. I shall get back to trying to post pictures on my blog.

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